Rituals for Success

A ritual is a way of creating meaning with Intention and action. They are symbolic in their performance and done with mindfulness they can engage emotion which thrusts us forward to live our lives with conscious purpose and connection.

Just as intention and action are key, so too is mindfulness. If you make a cup of tea or coffee in the morning to drink as you scroll social media and get ready for the day, that’s a habit. But if you put time aside each day to make the cup of tea or coffee and take pleasure in the process of making, stirring, sipping and enjoying it mindfully, a ritual is the result. The biggest difference is the invitation to a moment of calm, stillness, clarity and mindfulness. The intention to be still, reconnect with self in the rush of a busy day. That simple but powerful action provides a sense of control by imposing order on the chaos of everyday life.

Habits, are the routines we have that have turned to autopilot. Is it time for you to review your rituals and habits? create new ones? let go of ones that no longer serve you? The beauty is that each and every day we have an opportunity to define and refine our rituals and habits. Your goal should not be to have a perfect ritual right now, but rather become more aware of the rituals you do have and be more mindful in those.

If you are more mindful, improvement will come with time and will take care of itself. It always does.

Arohanui, Stacey


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